Friday afternoon I am told that myself and team rider Adam Yates have tickets to the Pilsner Bush Bash the following day, if we want them. We both jumped on it and where happy to be the landyachtz ambassadors to pilsner. The following day we loaded up the Eh Team van with supplies, 4 pilsner/landyachtz stouts, some swag and our gear then hit the road for Squamish.

We arrived in Squamish right on time and checked into the Sea to Sky Highway hotel which Pilsner fully booked for the event. A quick trip was made to the party site where the Eh Team Van was prominently parked in all its glory. Back at the hotel we got the lowdown on the event by the BC Pilsner rep Murf Laidlaw. Basically there where around 250 tickets that could be won by putting a code found on Pilsner 15 packs in a special webpage. Other tickets where given to bars to give away at local party nights. We on the other hand got the sponsored deal which meant everything was covered.
The party got underway at 7 with 5 bus loads of contest winners being dropped of at the Squamish railway station. The venue was an outdoor one which was done up to look like the scene on a Pilsner can. Vary western, complete with a TP, hay bails for seats, green lighting and a stage. Four bands played including Strikers band Loose Tooth. Pilsner was flowing all night long and kept the crowd hydrated. Adam and I got to give away a board before Loose Tooth played, a three legged race followed by a shot gun contest between the winners to see who would win the board. The crowd was pumped. The party wrapped up by around 12 and everyone headed back to the hotel. After a half hour or so of roaming the hotel from room to room the majority of the party goers found themselves at the hotel bar/nightclub. The rest is a blur followed by watching the sky lighten as the sun began coming up. We crashed and woke up a few hours later, helped clean up, ate Wendys for breakfast/lunch and made the drive back to reality. All in all it was a great night, thanks to Murf and Pilsner. I love my Life right now.