DAY 10.
in the RV definitely has its pro's and con's, the later probably more
common. Its starting to get a little messy and I'm not gonna beat round
the bush on this one, It stinks. Stinky sweaty sk8ers all piled in one
room on wheels for any more than a week, what can we expect right.
Dillon and Strike last nyt at the Hop shop cause they wanted to sample
some of the night delights of Kings Cross! This place has it all. Maybe a
little to much. For someone traveling from the other side of the pond, i
guess its a must on their "to do" list. It will be an experience, i
can't wait to hear the stories when we catch them later today.

stop, Hopkin Skate for the Pro signing. Wat a turn out. Crew where
everywhere. It was great to see so many of the ol faces that I've been
traveling with for the last 5 years, and also great to see some of those
i haven't traveled with, but seen on they're local hills, now they in
the land Down Under riding our local hills. The groms where like flies.
There wasn't to much of a quiet moment for the next 4 hours. Its great
to see the ozzi community supporting the OS crew. Thanks for coming down

back to Jacko's for a feast cooked up by Mumzi. Herself and Pip really
throw down, opening their doors and feeding the masses of rowdy sk8ers.
Theyt don't have to but they love to support Jacko and all his friends. U
couldn't ask to meet two nicer parents! Thanks guys!
Its gonna get a little chill today. Things have been super rowdy
the last couple days since come in to Sydney. The crew are in town, we
are all at Jackos pad so its a great excuse to have a few and be merry.
This being said, we've still been sk8in err day so today, we don't have
to till later this aft and the sun is shining. Time to get pitted.
a Canadian buddy of Kyle's was traveling with us for the last few days
and he's been a solid part of the group. He's been driving, he's been
cleaning, He's been coin errr thing without even being asked so bro if
ya reading this, mad props! Welcome back any time! We drop him at the
bus stop and he left to the airport to WA.
the beach after this and the water is sooo nice. The beach down at
North CurlCurl had a sweet little shorey barreling. It was to be the
first shotgun of the trip to. Down the sand, right there lurking in the
dunes, behind two gorgeous young ladies, Guff, Me, Nate R, Jaco and
Micah G hit the can and then a bloody Police copter passes over.
HAHAHAH. Perfect timing.
for the next few hours over lunch an then get down to Manly Skater HQ
for another of our shop visits. Solid little shop down here on the
beachfront. Im sure they get some serious business in the summer months.
A small crew of keeners were there for our arrival. They hoarded us for
stickers... they were stoked!
up one of the local hills for the arvy and there were even more groms
here. Stoked. Crew were throwin down the skids and showin their skills
to the big boys. Rewards of Tour shirts were handed out to a select few.
The 5-0 turned up twice and told us that wat we were doing was illegal.
OK! right guys, guys u had nothin else to do for the day!
get the hint and hit home for roast pork. Again, i just can't praise
the Shapiera household for welcoming us to their home. Every year they
do the same gig and it must be a hassle but they certainly don't show
it! Mondo Props!
DAY 12.
we hustle pretty well today. I woke early and spread the word to the
team that we'll be bouncing in 1 hour. I went back in and feasted hard.
Im hungry and we got a big day ahead of us so i start the feasting.
Coffee and eggs and I'm ready for the day. The boys aren't to far
to the airport to get OG Jezza from Early so he doesn't have to ride on
a bus. I guess its a sweet trade off. He's stoked and he's bought us all
coffee. The lads are super pumped and its not long till we bail the
city and start into the Blue Mountains. Pass through all the little
towns on the way up to Katoomba and jam out at sk8 parks. Theres a real
sweet one in Lawson and we stopped here for lunch and turned some
we hit up the Three Sisters at Katoomba. Its and old aboriginal story
and to sum it up, three sisters got exiled from their tribe and turned
into stone by the tribes witch doctor. All good, whatever the story, its
a great place to show the boys and stretch the legs. Next stop,
Bathurst, Mt Panorama and the first event of the 2013 IDF circuit.
into town and head to the skill set building for the riders meeting and
rego. Its great to see the crew. Kunts from all round the world and all
round Aussi are here for the race. Beers and stories were shared and
basically good times and smiles was the order of the nyt. El Presedente,
Haggy, took front and centre and welcomed the community. This is gonna
be a fukin great weekend. Next stop, top of the hill!