While we upload the latest Eh Team video, we thought that we'd ask you out there in internetland what YOUR favorite episode has been so far? Not sure, check out our
youtube channel and watch them all! Vote in the poll on the left, and comment below for your chance to win a free Landyachtz coat rack.
does it hold longboards?
Return of Phillip!!! Yeaaaa Ha!!!
dat der coat rack is sooooo mighty awesome!
Greetings,i like Number one for sure!
rad rad rad
in my opinion the return of phillip was the best! but episode 8 was also very good! i hope i get this rack! it looks pretty sweet
number 10!all in a days work!
I gotta go with Philip as well.
Episode 8 was by far my favorite. The jokes, intended or not were hilarious. Even my non-skater friends liked that video which led them to watch others.
ep 11, evgs yea
I need this for my trailer!!!!! Sick coat rack dudes.
Phillip VS South Van episode 8!!
Phil is insane!!! cuz of him i bought a switch and i love it!!
I could use a new coat rack.
Return Of Phillip! EVGS was cool!
I love them all. Simple
number 9 young gunz
I clicked 7 (yeah it's an awesome video too). But meant to hit 6.. Grass roots & big money baby!
episode 9 kicked ass, the nine two five rules!
I really love when they jump into the lake. It's awesome. It has become my dream since I saw it. Longboarding + flying = amazing experience!
Phillip vs. South Van! I laugh so hard everytime he's like HIYAH! so yeah i want a coat rack ha
My favorite is the return of philip
When the grom crew comes in a he freaks out its hilarious :D
Gotta be the return of Phillip - that dude is cooler than the other side of the pillow.
Episode 12- Welcoming Kyle Martin to the team. Kyle is an amazing skater, and Phillip is great as a comic-relief between gnar shots.
Episode 6 was rad.
Anyway Guff, your doin' great stuff! Keep up the good work! I love following the LY adventures!
Philip! episode 8 was awesome
episode 12 Welcome to the team Kyle Martin!
all in a days work :)
my house needs a coat rack so bad haha
I voted! I could use a Landyachtz coat rack. I hope to see u guys @ the Buffalo Bill Downhill May 7th & 8th 2011 in Golden, ColoRADO.
I'm always stoked about the Eh Team Episodes! Hahaha, I've convinced so many people to buy the 925 and the Switch just from telling them about the Eh Team XD I dig the way Phil comments about the places he skates with enthusiasm! Landyachtz all the way \(O_o)/
The inspiration for my Switch, episode 8! Love it!
All of the Eh team videos are pretty sick. but Philip vs South Van (episode 8) is by far the sickest. you may be wondering why...and i will tell you why. becasue it is an inspiration for the times when i fall and eat it and feel like quitting and i say something like "O i fell and hit the ground....left my pride everywhere" but then i say "i dont think i was going fast enough...ill get it, ill do it". and then i do it again and nail it like a boss. and then im like "Hey that was cool, look i beaming right now...thats why we come out here. I love my life right now!". see look i loved that episode so much that i find myself quoting philip. this may not be a bad thing. alright well that coat rack looks pretty sick nasty and i could totally use one for all my...coats and stuff?
Episode 8. Phillip cracked me up and I think he's a really good longboarder.
number 8
Phillip vs south van! number 8
welcome kyle. number 12.i think kyle martin deservers a Nobel peace prize for his work in skatebaording. gotta love phillip.
that coat rack belongs inside Rip City Skate!!!
I choose episode four just because of all the fun being had longboarding while still having top notch races
i really need a coat rack!
gotta be number 8!! :P
8 for sure!!!! long live PHILIP
I like 3 cuz bbdh is sick. But mostly for the dance around the dumpster treasure. That was awesome.
all in day's work! yahh duuuuude
Episode 5 FTW. I like the race in the beginning mainly because there were no rules and because of how far they traveled. The best part tho was the massive cruise at the end. Longboarders taking over the streets of Vancouver solely by word of mouth? now thats badass.
Ya "10 - all in a days work", I thought it was really funny and showed some great riding and of course Dillon doing the early grab off a ten set (I think it was ten steps), and I live in Vancouver and I loved how they went to English Bay, it's just a beautiful beach and reminds me of how lucky I am to live here
for sure "welcome kyle martin"............the song is sick, the begining is funny, and he rips it up.
11 return of philip!!! yeeaahhhh!!!!!
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