Thursday, June 24, 2010

You humans consume so much...

... it's almost inconceivable. Here's some wise words that this cat found on the internet.

mnmlist : less

Stop buying unnecessary things.
Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness.
Reduce half again.
List 4 essential things in your life,
stop doing non-essential things.
Do these essentials first each day, clear distractions
focus on each moment.
Let go of attachment to doing, having more.
Fall in love with less.


Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking that sure, I could be Sadhu Yogi and just need to transcend this material body, and I've been bouncing around in life like some sort of ascetic anyway but then some people might not believe in Bhang or Lord Shiva or even skateboarding and they might not even believe in a constitution or liberty and their like hey... it's my job to bully you and force you to pay fines so you have to get a job and by the way I'm shutting you up and away and labeling you and will profile against your kind... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND BE A GOOD LITTLE CONSUMER... HERE TAKE THESE MEDICATIONS BECAUSE THE JUDGE SAID YOU HAVE NO CHOICE?

Dumptruck said...

... don't forget... Good consumers, consume goods.